Reports and publications

  • How can the UK bridge the gap between the affordability of cleaner electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles? EDF Europe and Frontier Economics sought to answer this question in a collaborative report that examines the transition away from fossil fuel vehicles to EVs.

  • A roadmap to cleaner air and healthier communities

    Type: Report

    Date: October 8, 2019

  • This study presents the first systematic literature review of academic research on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Community Rating System (CRS) program. The CRS is a voluntary program created in 1990 as a means to incentivize communities in the United States to implement floodplain management activities that surpass those required under the National Flood Insurance Program. As participating communities adopt additional flood mitigation measures, flood insurance policy holders in those communities receive reductions in their flood insurance premiums. To identity studies for inclusion, the authors searched three academic databases using the keywords “Community Rating System” and “Federal Emergency Management Agency” and “Community Rating System” and “FEMA.” We discovered 44 studies that met our selection criteria (e.g., peer-reviewed, focus on CRS, and are empirical) and are included in the review. The findings provide significant insights into the current state of research on the CRS. This paper concludes by providing some recommendations to policymakers aiming to enhance communities’ resilience to floods and by outlining a future research agenda for the academic and practitioner communities.

  • Protecting Groundwater Quality in California

    Type: Report

    Date: September 20, 2019

    Protecting groundwater quality is an essential component of sustainable water management. However, active groundwater management often focuses on maintaining groundwater quantity – a target that does not always ensure groundwater quality goals are met.

  • States that embrace innovative new ways to finance on-farm conservation can deliver multiple benefits to farmers, state residents, taxpayers and the environment.

  • If EPA is successful in adopting both proposals, it would result in an additional 5 million metric tons of preventable methane pollution annually — more than a third of total emissions from the oil and gas industry.

  • Market demand for chemical monitoring technologies

    Type: Report

    Date: July 30, 2019

  • EDF Methane Studies - Chinese Translation

    Type: Report

    Date: June 14, 2019

    Summary of EDF’s methane research. 

  • EDF Methane Studies - Chinese Translation

    Type: Report

    Date: June 14, 2019

    Summary of EDF’s methane research. 

  • Paper authored by Shannon Cunniff published in Coastal Forum Spring 2019 issue on the importance of building resilience for communities and ecosystems in areas where coasts and rivers intersect.