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Businesses Steering California to a Clean Transportation Future
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February 2014 California Auction Analysis
The California legislature passed AB 32 in 2006, requiring the state’s Air Resources Board (CARB) to undertake a statewide effort to reduce global warming pollution
California has developed a cap-and-trade program to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution.
On November 14, 2012, California successfully held the first carbon auction of its landmark greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program.
At the fifth auction, held on November 19, 2013, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) once again sold all 16,614,526 current (V13) allowances available for sale.
In 2006, the state of California made a bold commitment to tackle climate change with the signing of the Global Warming Solutions Act, commonly referred to as AB 32.
Successful growth of the companies profiled demonstrates that the biodiesel industry is creating jobs in California and growing the economy.