Water managers in California’s Central Valley in the U.S. take part in the Water Leadership Institute, a free, bilingual program hosted by EDF and the Rural Community Assistance Corporation.

Water managers in California’s Central Valley in the U.S. take part in the Water Leadership Institute, a free, bilingual program hosted by EDF and the Rural Community Assistance Corporation.


Securing vital environmental protections

Water managers in California’s Central Valley in the U.S. take part in the Water Leadership Institute, a free, bilingual program hosted by EDF and the Rural Community Assistance Corporation.

Why advocacy matters: The longest-lasting environmental solutions have the broadest support. That means the biggest environmental problems require that we all work together.

How we use this powerful approach: We work with activists, communities, companies and other allies to defend environmental protections, address inequities and craft strong policy. We make government work for the environment. Our members and activists, numbering over 3.5 million, make all the difference in this fight.

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Partner perspective

EDF builds coalitions to secure victories in the courtroom. At the end of the day it's not about credit. It's about rulings, it's about changing policy, it's about changing minds.

Richard Lazarus

Professor, Harvard Law School

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