Want to understand Natural Climate Solutions Crediting? We have a handbook for that.

7 months 3 weeks ago

Stakeholders across the climate space need urgent help to cut through the noise on natural climate solutions crediting. The NCS Crediting Handbook aims to meet this need by clearly laying out how high-quality NCS crediting can work—for credit sellers, for credit buyers, and as part of an effective and ethical global climate response.

The post Want to understand Natural Climate Solutions Crediting? We have a handbook for that. appeared first on Climate 411.

Christine Gerbode

Want to understand Natural Climate Solutions Crediting? We have a handbook for that.

7 months 3 weeks ago
Stakeholders across the climate space need urgent help to cut through the noise on natural climate solutions crediting. The NCS Crediting Handbook aims to meet this need by clearly laying out how high-quality NCS crediting can work—for credit sellers, for credit buyers, and as part of an effective and ethical global climate response.
Christine Gerbode

Centering community benefits and safeguards in a high-integrity carbon market: What is benefits-sharing, and why is it key to integrity?

7 months 3 weeks ago
A high-integrity carbon market can play a significant role in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. But carbon mitigation should not be the only ‘win’ that comes from the purchase of high-quality carbon credits. Benefits-sharing and social safeguards deliver the durability and longevity we need for any achieved emissions reductions.
Mandy Rambharos

Flexible interconnection can optimize the grid and speed deployment of charging infrastructure

7 months 3 weeks ago
By Casey Horan As the first blog in this series details, shorter interconnection timelines can be key to accelerating electric vehicle deployments and achieving decarbonization goals.  Luckily, there are currently available policy and technical solutions states can use to achieve timely interconnection, including: (1) hybrid interconnection; (2) flexible interconnection; and (3) ramped connection.   The […]
EDF Blogs

Flexible interconnection can optimize the grid and speed deployment of charging infrastructure

7 months 3 weeks ago

By Casey Horan As the first blog in this series details, shorter interconnection timelines can be key to accelerating electric vehicle deployments and achieving decarbonization goals.  Luckily, there are currently available policy and technical solutions states can use to achieve timely interconnection, including: (1) hybrid interconnection; (2) flexible interconnection; and (3) ramped connection.   The […]

The post Flexible interconnection can optimize the grid and speed deployment of charging infrastructure appeared first on Energy Exchange.

EDF Blogs

Moms Urge EPA to Fine Major Methane Polluters

7 months 4 weeks ago

Written by Celerah Hewes

We have to drastically reduce methane, and soon. EPA is currently accepting comments on the Methane Emissions Reduction Program, which will ensure oil and gas companies act quickly to reduce pollution by assessing a fee when they exceed the federal methane emissions standard.

Celerah Hewes

New Mexico lawmakers are making water a priority, can help secure the state’s water future amidst increasing uncertainty

7 months 4 weeks ago
New Mexico lawmakers’ unanimous support for proposed investments in water supply and science signal the Legislature is making water a priority this session and shoring up the state against increasing stressors to its finite water supplies.

The Senate Conservation Committee last week unanimously supported Senate Bills 1 and 9, both of which involve critical funding for water-related initiatives. Lawmakers have also signaled interest in further efforts this session to fund and empower water supply and science development as New Mexico grapples with increasing water uncertainties.