Building a greener future: How federal purchasing power can drive a low-carbon cement industry

6 months 2 weeks ago

This blog was co-authored by Dara Diamond, Federal Climate Innovation Intern Historic climate investments from the Biden administration have put a much-needed down payment toward cutting emissions from industry — a major economic sector that makes up over a quarter of U.S. emissions. Still, a lot of hard work remains to meaningfully scale up solutions […]

The post Building a greener future: How federal purchasing power can drive a low-carbon cement industry appeared first on Climate 411.

Akin Olumoroti

Building a greener future: How federal purchasing power can drive a low-carbon cement industry

6 months 2 weeks ago

This blog was co-authored by Dara Diamond, Federal Climate Innovation Intern Historic climate investments from the Biden administration have put a much-needed down payment toward cutting emissions from industry — a major economic sector that makes up over a quarter of U.S. emissions. Still, a lot of hard work remains to meaningfully scale up solutions […]

The post Building a greener future: How federal purchasing power can drive a low-carbon cement industry appeared first on Climate 411.

Akin Olumoroti

Building a greener future: How federal purchasing power can drive a low-carbon cement industry

6 months 2 weeks ago
This blog was co-authored by Dara Diamond, Federal Climate Innovation Intern Historic climate investments from the Biden administration have put a much-needed down payment toward cutting emissions from industry — a major economic sector that makes up over a quarter of U.S. emissions. Still, a lot of hard work remains to meaningfully scale up solutions […]
Akin Olumoroti

Ramped connection can help states sustainably scale the grid to meet charging needs

6 months 2 weeks ago

By Casey Horan The way charging customers connect to the grid is changing rapidly, especially in states working to meet transportation electrification and decarbonization targets. But regardless of policy goals, most states are experiencing increased demand for renewables accompanied by more customers seeking connection to the grid for projects like electric vehicle chargers, solar and storage. […]

The post Ramped connection can help states sustainably scale the grid to meet charging needs appeared first on Energy Exchange.

EDF Blogs

Ramped connection can help states sustainably scale the grid to meet charging needs

6 months 2 weeks ago
By Casey Horan The way charging customers connect to the grid is changing rapidly, especially in states working to meet transportation electrification and decarbonization targets. But regardless of policy goals, most states are experiencing increased demand for renewables accompanied by more customers seeking connection to the grid for projects like electric vehicle chargers, solar and storage. […]
EDF Blogs

New EDF report details how Texas’ clean air program can more effectively speed the transition to ZEV trucks

6 months 2 weeks ago
A new report released today by EDF details how Texas’ $342 million clean air program can be improved to help companies that want to secure state funding for zero-emission trucks. Recommendations include how to improve program design of the grants offered, including how to modernize the calculation of nitrogen oxides reductions to ensure the full […]
Phillip Martin

New EDF report details how Texas’ clean air program can more effectively speed the transition to ZEV trucks

6 months 2 weeks ago

A new report released today by EDF details how Texas’ $342 million clean air program can be improved to help companies that want to secure state funding for zero-emission trucks. Recommendations include how to improve program design of the grants offered, including how to modernize the calculation of nitrogen oxides reductions to ensure the full […]

The post New EDF report details how Texas’ clean air program can more effectively speed the transition to ZEV trucks appeared first on Energy Exchange.

Phillip Martin

Blending science and community to support mangrove restoration in Ecuador

6 months 3 weeks ago

This past August, in southern Ecuador amidst dense mangrove forests, scientists were at work. As I followed in her footsteps, Julie Shahan, a Stanford University Ph.D. student, navigated the challenging terrain, burdened by the large 25-pound piece of equipment on her back. This equipment, a gas analyzer, collects measurements to unlock the secrets of soil […]

The post Blending science and community to support mangrove restoration in Ecuador appeared first on EDFish.

Monica Moritsch