The Inflation Reduction Act is a game-changer on methane, here’s why

1 year 10 months ago
By Edwin LaMair and Grace Smith The US Congress recently passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that takes bold action to address the climate crisis and multiple independent analyses show the bill could reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions some 40% below 2005 levels by 2030, providing important support for President Biden’s goal of halving emissions […]
EDF Blogs

Charting a path to 2050: How investor engagement can accelerate the transition to zero carbon shipping

1 year 10 months ago
A new report published today by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping looks at how investors can engage with portfolio companies around shipping emissions, including commitments that companies should make on the pathway to decarbonization and disclosures that investors need to monitor progress.

New report provides a science roadmap for natural climate solutions

1 year 10 months ago
This blog was authored by Emily Oldfield, Agricultural Soil Carbon Scientist at EDF. Natural climate solutions, such as reforestation and wetland restoration, can help slow climate change and increase resilience in the face of climate impacts we can’t avoid. These approaches have substantial and growing support from bipartisan lawmakers, the private sector and environmental nonprofits. […]
Guest Author

New report provides a science roadmap for natural climate solutions

1 year 10 months ago
This blog was authored by Emily Oldfield, Agricultural Soil Carbon Scientist at EDF. Natural climate solutions, such as reforestation and wetland restoration, can help slow climate change and increase resilience in the face of climate impacts we can’t avoid. These approaches have substantial and growing support from bipartisan lawmakers, the private sector and environmental nonprofits. […]
Guest Author