4 ways manufacturers can support fleets on their road to electrification

1 year 8 months ago
Electric heavy-duty vehicles have come a long way in a pretty short time. Back in 2018, we were excited about prototype vehicles and trucks with 60-mile range. Today there are scores of truck models available at ever increasing ranges, clear market segments where these vehicles can thrive today, and ever-growing fleet interest in deploying these […]
Jason Mathers

Drops of wisdom for Colorado legislators

1 year 8 months ago

The Colorado legislative session has begun at a key time for water in Colorado and the west. Though we’re off to a solid snow year, the Colorado River is crashing and the prolonged drought we’re in requires improvements to how we manage water. Fortunately, both Speaker McCluskie and Senate President Fenberg have prioritized water for their chambers. And […]

The post Drops of wisdom for Colorado legislators first appeared on On the Water Front.

Brian Jackson

Michigan voters want to see more climate action this legislative session

1 year 8 months ago
This November, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer won her bid for reelection and for the first time in 40 years, Democrats gained a majority in the state house and senate. With this historic win comes historic opportunity. In the legislative session that started last week, Michigan has the chance to follow through on the climate goals set […]
Alex DeGolia

Michigan voters want to see more climate action this legislative session

1 year 8 months ago
This November, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer won her bid for reelection and for the first time in 40 years, Democrats gained a majority in the state house and senate. With this historic win comes historic opportunity. In the legislative session that started last week, Michigan has the chance to follow through on the climate goals set […]
Alex DeGolia

Methane Emissions in Animal Agriculture

1 year 8 months ago
Reducing methane now is one of the fastest ways to slow global warming in the near term, and a critical part of avoiding the worst consequences of climate change. Agricultural emissions from livestock and rice are approximately 40% of human-caused global methane emissions. At the same time, rice and livestock are key dietary staples around […]
Giada Mannino