No Child Deserves to Live in a Sacrifice Zone

1 month 3 weeks ago

Written by Moms Clean Air Force

Sacrifice zones are neighborhoods that bear the greatest burden of environmental threats like climate change and industrial pollution—and they are increasingly facing pollution from plastics facilities. Join Moms in telling Congress to protect communities from plastic industry pollution.

Moms Clean Air Force

Climate Policy News You Can Use — July 2024

1 month 3 weeks ago
As you know, the Supreme Court is striking down the Chevron Doctrine which damages a foundational legal principle that has long ensured clean air, clean water, and a safe climate. This will undoubtedly have impacts on climate policy and how it is regulated.
Daniel Neff

What’s the Difference Between Neptune Pass and Mardi Gras Pass?

1 month 3 weeks ago

In the final miles of the Mississippi River, two naturally occurring diversions on the east bank of the Mississippi River provide vital real-world examples of the power of the river. Their differences – and similarities – are instructive examples for the future of restoration projects along the river.Both Neptune Pass and Mardi Gras Pass are diversions on the east bank of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish that formed naturally and continue to build land in their outfall areas. The ...

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What’s the Difference Between Neptune Pass and Mardi Gras Pass?

1 month 3 weeks ago

In the final miles of the Mississippi River, two naturally occurring diversions on the east bank of the Mississippi River provide vital real-world examples of the power of the river. Their differences – and similarities – are instructive examples for the future of restoration projects along the river.Both Neptune Pass and Mardi Gras Pass are diversions on the east bank of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish that formed naturally and continue to build land in their outfall areas. The ...

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GOP House Appropriators are on the Wrong Track

2 months ago
This week House Republicans advanced only one of the four funding bills originally slated for votes after failing to achieve a consensus within their conference. Their Interior-Environment funding bill to cut the EPA’s budget to 1998 levels narrowly passed with bipartisan opposition. Republican leadership was forced to pull the rest of the bills, including their Energy-Water and Agriculture-FDA funding bills, due to lack of support from their members.

Setting an 80 by 30 target is critical for the third RGGI program review, new EDF modeling shows

2 months ago

As the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) undergoes its third program review, it is critical that the program scale its ambition to both meet the demands of the climate crisis and to fully capitalize on the cost-saving potential of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Ensuring ambitious reductions […]

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Peter Della-Rocca

Setting an 80 by 30 target is critical for the third RGGI program review, new EDF modeling shows

2 months ago

As the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) undergoes its third program review, it is critical that the program scale its ambition to both meet the demands of the climate crisis and to fully capitalize on the cost-saving potential of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Ensuring ambitious reductions […]

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Peter Della-Rocca

Five years into New York’s climate law, the state needs a bold cap-and-invest program to bring emissions goals into reach

2 months ago

This blog was co-authored by Lulu August, State Climate Policy Intern This month marks five years since New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) was signed into law. At the time of its enactment in 2019, the groundbreaking climate law set New York apart as a national and global climate leader. Indeed, […]

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Kate Courtin

Five years into New York’s climate law, the state needs a bold cap-and-invest program to bring emissions goals into reach

2 months ago

This blog was co-authored by Lulu August, State Climate Policy Intern This month marks five years since New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) was signed into law. At the time of its enactment in 2019, the groundbreaking climate law set New York apart as a national and global climate leader. Indeed, […]

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Kate Courtin