Groups Embrace PLANYC 2030
Gene Russianoff, (917) 575-9434
Neysa Pranger, (917) 532-0567
(New York, Ny - April 23, 2007) – A broad coalition of civic, business, labor, environmental, religious, public health and community groups today announced their support for Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “bold and visionary” PlaNYC 2030 goals. The plan’s recommendations were unveiled by the Mayor yesterday and seek to address the growing menace of global warming.
The new coalition is named the “Campaign for New York’s Future.” The coalition’s diverse membership – now more than 70 groups and growing – is listed below.
PlaNYC contains 127 initiatives to make progress on “10 goals for 2030,” including such aims as “improving travel times by adding transit capacity,” “ensuring that all New Yorkers live within a 10-minute walk of a park,” and “reducing global warming emissions by more than 30%.” One major proposal is a three-year pilot of “congestion pricing,” charging vehicles for coming into Manhattan’s Central Business District during rush hours.
The Campaign for New York’s Future, according to its mission statement, “is a coalition of civic, business, environmental, labor, religious, public health and community organizations that support the goals and strategic direction of PlaNYC. Our goal is to make every neighborhood in NYC a great place to live and work, as well as make a significant contribution to fighting climate change. The coalition aims to encourage public debate – as well as fair and effective action – now and in the years to come. We recognize the need to both seize the opportunity for immediate action and to insure that this long-term plan evolves with continued dialogue and changing conditions.”
“We believe this is a bold and visionary plan that will benefit New York’s working families for generations. We are enthusiastic about continuing this process and congratulate Mayor Bloomberg on making the informed decisions that will benefit all of us,” Ed Ott, executive director of the New York City Central Labor Council.
The Campaign for New York’s Future is formulating plans to build support for PlaNYC, such as a speaker’s bureau, meetings with key city and state decision-makers and advertising.
“PlaNYC recognizes the need to redefine the City’s environmental agenda broadening it to include energy and transportation policy, infrastructure development and affordable housing. In doing so, it positions New York to be a truly sustainable city,” said Marcia Bystryn, executive director of the New York League of Conservation Voters.
Transport Workers Union Local 100 President Roger Toussaint endorses “congestion pricing” as part of a comprehensive improvement of New York’s mass transit and as a sound environmental policy that responds to global climate change. “We also call on the City, State and the MTA to freeze the fares and implement fare reductions during the hours congestion pricing would be in effect,” Toussaint said. “There has tobe a significant increase in the number of buses on the streets to take up the slack.”
“The groups in our coalition may have some differences on the issues of the day,” said Gene Russianoff, senior attorney for NYPIRG. “But we’ve all come together around PlaNYC’s aim that our children inherit a city that has healthy air to breathe and clean water to drink and safe streets to cross and the space and economy to grow responsibly. We think the plan has the promise to get New Yorkers the subway and bus service they deserve and the traffic relief they want.”
Peggy M. Shepard, executive director, WE ACT For Environmental Justice, and a member of the mayor’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, said: “I think the mayor has understood the depth of the challenges before us and developed a plan that has engaged communities and resonates throughout all of our neighborhoods which welcome improved air quality, reduced asthma prevalence, increased access to open space, and reliable clean energy.”
Elizabeth C. Yeampierre, executive director of UPROSE said: “We are thrilled that the Mayor has included the cleanup of brownfields in his sustainability vision. Environmental Justice communities have been waiting a long time for cleanups. It is crucial that the brownfields be re-used to accommodate both the needs of existing residents and businesses as well as the needs of newcomers. We look forward to seeing brownfield redevelopment integrated with community planning and the Sustainability Plan. In a city like New York, sustainability , community planning and equity are necessary partners. The Mayor’s plan is a historical first step in this direction.”
Bob Yaro, President of Regional Plan Association said: “PlaNYC 2030 is a bold and much-needed vision for the future of New York City and the entire metropolitan region. This coalition is intended to help seize this historic opportunity as well as insure that public dialogue and action continue beyond the terms of Mayor Bloomberg and other public officials.”
“Pollution from chronic traffic congestion is like second-hand smoke on our city sidewalks,” said Andy Darrell, Director of the Living Cities Program at Environmental Defense, a national non-profit organization, and a member of Mayor Bloomberg’s Sustainability Advisory Board. “More than 2 million New Yorkers have higher risks of cancer, asthma attacks and reduced childhood lung development because they live near a congested road. By reducing traffic, investing in mass transit, and cleaning up the dirtiest diesel engines on our city streets, this plan sets a new international standard for how to achieve healthy air in one of the world’s largest cities.”
Paul Steely White, executive director of Transportation Alternatives said: “Congestion pricing means less traffic and less traffic means healthier neighborhoods, a more sustainable City and a stronger transportation network. Congestion pricing will reduce traffic for those who need to drive, help clean the air and raise funds for better subway, bus and commuter rail service.”
Peter Kostmayer, president of Citizens for New York City said “Congestion pricing will benefit the vast majority of New Yorkers – from all five boroughs - in many ways. It will shorten their commutes, improve the air they breathe, and raise millions for the mass transit that most of them use.”
Diana Fortuna, president of the Citizens Budget Commission said:“The PlaNYC initiative is a bold step in addressing the needs of a growing city. The forward-thinking planning process it represents deserves broad public support.”
Ashok Gupta, Air and Energy Program Director for the Natural Resources Defense Council said: “Energy efficient homes, offices and power plants are the key to meeting our growing energy needs, lowering energy bills, and reducing global warming pollution. The detailed blueprint that Mayor Bloomberg has proposed is exactly what is needed to meet the goal of 30% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030. And, the sooner we start the sooner we can improve the lives of every New Yorker and set the standard for every other city around the world.”
Campaign for America’s Future Member Groups
- American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter
- American Lung Association
- American Planning Association
- Association for a Better New York
- Better Hood Pacific Street Block Association
- Bryant Park Group
- Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York
- Building Trades Employers Association
- Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York
- Citizens Budget Commission
- Citizens Budget Committee
- Citizens Committee for New York City
- Conference of Minority Transportation Officials
- Crow Hill Community Association
- District Council 9, Painters
- District Council 1707, AFSCME
- Drum Major Institute
- Environmental Defense
- General Contractors Association
- Gowanus Stakeholders Group
- Industrial Retention Network
- Iron Hills Civic Association
- Latin American Chaplains Association
- Lin Sing Association
- Mason Tenders District Council
- Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance
- Midland Beach Civic Association
- Morningside Heights Coalition
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- New York AREA
- New York Building Congress
- New York City Central Labor Council
- New York City District Council of Carpenters
- New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
- New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- New York City Healthy Schools Network
- New York Immigration Coalition
- New York League of Conservation Voters
- New York Urban Land Institute District Council
- New Partners for Community Revitalization
- Nos Quedamos
- Partnership for New York City
- Pratt Center for Community Development
- Prospect Park 300 Association
- Regional Plan Association
- Rev. Anne Grant – Triumphant New Destiny
- Rev. Luc Gurrier – Sanctified Church of God
- Rev. Cecil Henry – Calvary Community Church
- Rev. Robert Lowe- Mt. Moriah AME Church (Cambria Heights)
- Rev. Timothy Mitchell- Antioch Baptist Church (Jamaica)
- Rev. Les Mullings- Church of Nazarene (Far Rockaway)
- Rev. Eddie Okyere – Miracle Church of Christ
- Rev. Gregory Roberson Smith -Mother Zion AME
- Rev. Carlene Thorbs- Baptist Ministers Conference
- Rev. Jerry West – Mt. Moriah Church of God in Christ
- Riverkeeper Alliance
- Soho Alliance
- South Beach Civic Association
- Straphangers Campaign, NYPIRG
- Transport Workers Union Local 100
- Transportation Alternatives
- Tri-State Transportation Campaign
- West Harlem Environmental Action (WEACT)
- Western Jackson Heights Alliance
- Women’s City Club
- Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice
- 600 Grand Block Association
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